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Daughter, Mother, Grandma

These pictures are my youngest sister and I during one of my visits to our mom. The other picture is of my other sister and her son with our mom also during a visit to our mom, but while enjoying my sisters birthday lunch.

Daughter, Mother, Grandma all stages of a woman’s life. Whether we have our own children, adopt or are an honorary parent we all share an honor of loving and teaching others who are vulnerable and need the love and mercy of a mothers heart.

As I reflect over these three stages of life, I look back and see that no matter, how different things have been for my mom and my own adventures as Mothers we also share and build traditions from mother to child.

Remembering how my mother, having three daughters, had special connections with all three of us. I really cannot tell you what her special connections were or are with my sisters, but with me there were three things that my mom did to make me feel special.

One of the things my mom shared with me I also shared and continue to share with my children and like me, my daughter tells others that it is her comfort food. Every time I visit my daughter, I just have to make my mom's, Chocolate Bread Pudding. Not just any chocolate bread pudding, but the very same recipe my mom used. I have tried other recipes and they just do not look, smell or taste the same.

The other two things my mom shared with me was a love for Elvis Presley and a musical named Oklahoma has a special place in my heart. It has been many years since I watched Oklahoma, but even now when I get the opportunity to visit my mom, we look for an Elvis Presley movie, any Elvis Presley movie will do the trick.

My son and I also have a comfort food connection, but for us it is my Trifle. His wife will and does make Black Forest Cake for him, but for her own reasons will not make nor even eat Trifle. One of their five children, like Mom, will not even try the trifle when I make it. Fortunately the other four plus my son and I will devour the trifle, no matter how big I make it, it is gone within two or three days.

As a Grandma, I have not really developed a food connection with any of them, but I have special nicknames for each of my Grand babies. My oldest grandson is my Smiley. He always has a smile for his Grandma and he always brings a smile to my face. My oldest granddaughter is my Cookie, because I could eat her all up. I have been calling her my Cookie for many years and even though she is now 15 she still calls me her Milk, because Cookies soaks up Milk. My youngest grandson is my Little Bear, because like his dad, when he was little he grunted like a baby bear. My youngest granddaughters are my Lily and my Petunia, because they are always brings peace to my heart and I find that the smell of Lilies and Petunias help me feel at peace.

I hope you have enjoyed my reminiscing about some of my favorite things, shared as Daughter, Mother and Grandma. There are many things, I would love to be able to change, but as far as who I am as a daughter, mother and grandma, I would never change them.

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